पान:ब्रह्मर्षि श्री अण्णासाहेब पटवर्धन यांचे चरित्र.pdf/३३४

विकिस्रोत कडून
या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही

२२ चातुर्वर्ण्य versal knowledge and power for the benifit and happi- ness especially, of human creatures. (8) The only rational way and method of acquiring proficiency in the T. S. and Art are that human beings must learn to suppress individualism, and acquire the habit of living a communal life. (9) Human beings must live in the from of joint and corporate society, and make communal their life, liveli- hood, protection or Government and thus prevent, rec- tify, &e., by suitable means, such as, punishment, pen- ance, &c. all aberrations of conduct which must other- wise eventually lead to the disruption of the society, and the consequent causing of obstruction to the study and attainment of the T. S.

Without discussing and determining the question whether consciousness is a manifestation of the Soul as a whole, or is that of one of the distinct and seperate faculties or powers of the soul, this much is certain that it is a kind of entity of knowledge which identifies itself with each and every object in respect of form, quality, motion &c. and to which any or all of these directly or indi- rectly are communicated. In the ordinary waking state there is only produced consciousness in respect of con- ditions of mind and of external objects through the medium of the mind and the senses alone, but not for instance in respect of the varions living processes of growth, development and decay that are being constantly carried on, for instance, iu the human frame.

Now, as the or soul has the consciousness, for in- stance, of the various colours etc., of external objects, it follows as a natural corollary that the soul in the form