पान:ब्रह्मर्षि श्री अण्णासाहेब पटवर्धन यांचे चरित्र.pdf/३३५

विकिस्रोत कडून
या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही

इंग्रजी उतारे. २३ of consciousness has all the formative elements, whatever they may be, of such colour &c. and as sound with its various forms is produced by the soul it follows also as a natural corollary that it must possess all the formative elements of the colours &c. and thus sound adapts itself to the various conditions of the external objects &c. In short, there exists homogenity and correspondence be- tween the external objects and internal states of con- sciousness &c. appearing in the form of notions, sensations passions &c., on the one hand, and the sound as proceed- ing from, and representing the active energy in its vari- ous forms of or soul, or the active universal portion of AT or the Supreme Being on the other hand. The homogeneity and correspondence are due to the effect of the power of selection which can be known by means of T S. alone. The adapsation of sound to the states of consciousness on the one hand and external ob- jects &c. on the other, may be explained, or rather, il- lustrated by the chemical processes which produce two different kinds of a compound substance containing the metal iron called ferrum in Latin and a non-metal, such as, oxygen, chlorine or the like. The two kinds of iron- compounds are respectively called ferrous compounds and ferric compounds. The first kind or class contains the non-metal, such as, oxygen in a less quantity, and the second class contains the non-metal in a larger quintity. Oxygen is represented by the sybol O, and Iron is re- presented by the Fe. Thus a compound of the first class is represented by Symhol Fe O, and a compound of the second class is represented by the symbol Fe203. The symbol for the compound of the first class means that one atom of iron or ferrum combines with one