पान:ब्रह्मर्षि श्री अण्णासाहेब पटवर्धन यांचे चरित्र.pdf/३३१

विकिस्रोत कडून
या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही

इंग्रजी उतारे. SOURCE from which important FACTS and TRUTHS were derived to replenish the Secular and Material Sciences which as already above, were made into THREE Divisions, माण, मंत्र, औषधि.

The powers of the Human Soul or alone create sounds by means of the articulating apparatus in such a manner that the sounds are fitted or adapted both to the various conditions of the external objects and to the various states of the interal consciousness. The adapta- tion in the waking state of ordinary human beings is influenced by the impressions made or received by the mind through the agency of the various senses and the degree of completeness of the adaptation depends on the force aud strength used in the process of becoming con- scious of the adaptation.

The Shudra class being in general not qualified by nature to study the Veadas, other adequate means have been devised by the Vaidik people to enable the members of that class to acquire proficiency in the Transcenden- tal Science and Art and there have been in modern times numerous instances of persons of Shudra class who are known to have actually attained proficiency in the Science.

What are known as the four Vedas have been but fragments of the unlimited whole which were systemati- cally arranged under four heads by the great Rishi Vyasa now more than five thousand years ago.
