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पान:A Dictionary of the Mahratta Language.djvu/८८

विकिस्रोत कडून
या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही


[76]. OTT. , a. unlevel, uneven. OUT, v. to scour, to clean. Go, a. scoured, cleaned. Zu, v. to rise... ढीठ्णुभ, s. an accomplishing, a compleating. Gyur, T. to fly. gu, s. a repelling, a causing of what any one says to be disregarded, or the 'turning of it into ridicule. st, s. a jump, a leap. Asia, s. a sort of pulse (Phaseolus radiata.) sta, v. to jump, to leap. ीिड्डान, s. a jump. ड्डीयमान, a. flying, in the act of flying. Gu, a. déficient, lacking, wanting. GJ, s. a camel. TUI, v. to overflow, to flow over, to boil over. , s. a date fruit. , . to alight, to arrive. འ