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पान:A Dictionary of the Mahratta Language.djvu/८७

विकिस्रोत कडून
या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही


[ 75 ] GX. , a. rooted up, desolated, waste. , a. cut up, cut off, destroyed. le, a. left, remaining. च्छोर, , a. right (in opposition to left.) Gur, s. the concluding ceremony of any religious vow, the conclusion of any undertaking. HU, v. to polish, to make bright, to scour.. Ô, a. unblushing, fearless, hardened (after having com- mitted a crime.) , s. unblushingness, fearlessness. , a. against the stream, up the country. ,. light, splendor. Q7, 4. out-cast, refused. GY; s. a flaming up, a kindling, an illumination. GWYN, s. resplendency.. U, v. to polish, to brighten, to pour out. ŵneunes, ad. shaken so as that the bottom part comes to the top (as core or any other such substance in a sieve, &c.) thrown into confusion, topsy-turvy.