या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले आहे
अंधकार, s. darkness,
अंधक्कार, 8. darkness.
अधीसंधी, s. a chink, a crevice,
अन्न, s. food, corn, boiled rice.
अन्नदाता, a. nourisher.
अन्नप्राशन, s. the ceremony of feeding a child for the first time.
अन्नादी, s. necessaries of life.
अन्नाभाव, a. destitute of food.
अन्नाभावता, s. want of food, ,
अन्य, a. another, other,
अन्यतर, a. rather.
अन्यथा, ad. otherwise,
अन्यथाकारी, a. acting perversely, perverting, s. a perverter,
अन्यथाचरण, s. perverse conduct, unlawful conduct, violation.
अन्यपूर्वा, s. a woman whose intended husband dies after she is betrothed to him, before the marriage takes place,
अन्यमत, ad. otherwise,