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पान:A Dictionary of the Mahratta Language.djvu/२९४

विकिस्रोत कडून
या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही

2, a. the third. { 284 ] , s. exorbitant interest, viz. thirty six per cent, or three times the lawful interest. zitzt. 7, s. a mole, a freckle, the name of a orientale), sesamum seed. 27, a. sharp, (not dull.) शोण, श्रीक्षणशा . sharpness. zils qui, s. a plant (cleome pentaphylla and viscose.) pron. she. s. sharpness, poignancy. शोदणाय, s. a skewer, a thorn. at, a. three. , a. three, (only applied to animals.) a. the third (lunar dày.( a plant, (sesamum शोन्यी, a. three. 3, s. a shore, a river bank, an arrow. 7, s. an archer. Hiv. s. archery.