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पान:A Dictionary of the Mahratta Language.djvu/२९३

विकिस्रोत कडून
या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही

F [ 289 ] शीस्. ad. forty-three times (repeated.) amator, शीनेशाळीसांचं, a. the forty-third. , a. ninety-three. ifra, ad. ninety-three times (multiplied.) atrodo, ad, ninety-three times (repeated.) शोन्मणेष्वांचं, a. the ninety-third. शोन्याशी, व.eighty-three. it-uriqui21, ad. eighty-three times (multiplied.) , ad. eighty-three times (repeated.) .a. the eighty-third. शोचायन, a. seventy-three. ad seventy-thres times (multiplied.) d. seventy-three times (repeated.) शीन्याघ्रमनांचं, a the seventy-third. A, a. crooked, awry. शोरण, v. to stay. शोसन्यान, ad. thrice. fo, ad, three times (repeated.)