पान:ब्रह्मर्षि श्री अण्णासाहेब पटवर्धन यांचे चरित्र.pdf/२८९

विकिस्रोत कडून
या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही

टीप पुढे चालू. २६५ valid principales which underlie those changes and the resulting forms.

But as the Vedic 's and practical philosophers travelled all over the world in various directions for the propagation of the transcendental science and their original civilisation, the languages of the various Non-vedic races came to be united and mixed with the elements of the Vedic Language in various ways and degrees according to the rules mentioned herein above.

Now in connection with this subject the only matter that requires some explanation is the appearance of the letter "न" in such pronominal forms as नौ, अस्मान्, नः, युष्मानू. Reasons as to how the dental nasal letter नू came to acquire the negative privative &c. qualities of the labial nasal letter have been already mentioned above. Similar reason or the said reasons in a modi- fied form account for the appearance of the nasal letter in the said pronominal forms.

Moreover the mixture or coalition of the Vedic and Non-vedic races has undoubtedly caused the in- troduction of Vedic vowel sounds and consonants into the Non-vdic languages and making allowance for the number of vowel letters and consonants so introduced, the Vedic people originally used the word instead of to indicate the act of breathing or speaking on the part of the Non-vedic races, and fixed the letter as the distinguishing sign of the Non-vedic individual. That is an individual of the Non-vedic race who