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विकिस्रोत कडून
This template may meet the criteria for speedy deletion.

The given reason is: No reason specified; please provide one or use another template!

Appeal: If you disagree with this template's speedy deletion, replace this tag with a regular deletion request.
लुआ(Lua) त्रुटी विभाग:Autotranslate मध्ये 72 ओळीत: No fallback page found for autotranslate (base=Template:LastEditInfo/i18n, lang=⧼lang⧽).

Note: To speed up the speedy deletion process and help administrators, consider using one of these more specific templates:
  • {{copyvio|reason or source}} for clear copyright violations
  • {{bad name|correct name}} for badly named categories (only when they are empty)
  • {{duplicate|other file}} for files that are exactly the same as other files
  • {{SD|F10}} for personal files and {{SD|G10}} for promotional files
See Commons:Deletion policy for more information.
NOTE: Please do not use this template directly! This is just for translation. Use {{Speedydelete}} instead!