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विकिस्रोत कडून
oldid date/time username edit summary
9016566 2018-12-30T18:18:27Z Mpaa create doc page
392810 2007-06-11T19:25:51Z Mahagaja change to same format as [[la:Formula:Versus]], which seems to work nicely
130152 2006-05-03T04:19:11Z Bookofjude made anchors
127911 2006-04-29T09:35:48Z Bookofjude more changing the spacing
127910 2006-04-29T09:34:58Z Bookofjude oops, forgot these
127909 2006-04-29T09:33:42Z Bookofjude tweaking indentation
127908 2006-04-29T09:31:53Z Bookofjude testing indentation
127907 2006-04-29T09:31:12Z Bookofjude testing indentation
127904 2006-04-29T08:48:06Z Bookofjude +indentation
127903 2006-04-29T08:45:31Z Bookofjude template to do line numbers