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विकिस्रोत कडून

This is a simple template that helps format Biblical Hebrew text. It defines the direction as right-to-left and HTML lang property to "hbo".

This template is not intended for formatting whole paragraphs, but only Hebrew passages in a paragraph that may be left-to-right. (In HTML terms, it's a <span>, not a <div>.)

It takes one required argument: "text". Example:

  • {{lang-hbo|text=ארץ זבת חלב ודבש}}


  • {{{2}}}

When the Universal Language Selector extension is enabled, lang="hbo" loads an appropriate font.

This is the English Wikisource and Hebrew <span>s are expected to be embedded in left-to-right paragraphs. By default this template ends with the left-to-right marker (‎). If you want to disable it, add the argument "nolrm=1":

  • Without "nolrm": {{lang-hbo|text=משה}}, {{lang-hbo|text=אהרן‎}} ->
  • With "nolrm": {{lang-hbo|nolrm=1|text=משה}}, {{lang-hbo|text=אהרן‎}} ->

See also[संपादन]

This page was moved from . It's edit history can be viewed at साचा:Lang-hbo/edithistory