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पान:A Dictionary of the Mahratta Language.djvu/३९९

विकिस्रोत कडून
या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही

[ 389 ] नं. a clean, purified. पनीसन्, 4. width, rcom, space.. a boundary, the extremity of any thing. s. a paying off, a clearing off an obligation. s. a laughing, a jesting, a making any one a laughing stock. पत्र, क्षीरा, a. laughable, ludicrous. a. trying, tempting, s. a temptation, a trial. पनीक्षा, s. a trial, a temptation, an ordeal. ‚ a. tried, examined, proved, approved on trial. परुम, sa privy. बनेप्सीरा a. previously desired, premeditated. , s. ordeal, trial. 7, s. assistance, relief (given to another.) ¡, a. yielding assistance to others, beneficent. a. beneficent, hospitable. मनोमनी, swany sorts together. v, s. rain.