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पान:A Dictionary of the Mahratta Language.djvu/३८६

विकिस्रोत कडून
या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही

. [ 376`). , a. the ninety-fifth. a. eighty-five. arte, ad. eighty-five times (multiplied), , ad. eighty-five times (repeated). and a. the eighty-fifth. · पंप्यान, a seventy-five. पक्. · s. a rib, ad seventy-five times (multiplied). , ad. seventy-five times (repeated). पंप्यागननाएं, a. the seventy-fifthe घंनन्, , s. the hand with the fingers spread out. s. the canvas of a picture, a picture. I, s. a dashing down, a falling, wrestling. AU, v. to strike down, to get a fall. M, s. a girdle. 4, a. jumping like a bird, popping up and down. भव्यगे, s. a ppp-gun, घ s, a valve of a venetian bliud, a small board,