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पान:A Dictionary of the Mahratta Language.djvu/३८४

विकिस्रोत कडून
या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही

[ 74 ] • मंत्र. , . fifty-five times (multiplied), ad fifty-five times (repeated). धन्न्नांएं, a. the fifty-fifth. s. an arbitrator, पंचम्, s. an assemblage of five stars. यंबभूरा, of five colours, party coloured. पंचपात्र, & a drinking pot. , . a pot made with several divisions or lodgments. s. the five elements of organized bodięs,-viz. earth, water, air, æther, and an active principle. 1 a. composed of five ingredients, made of five things. s. composed of five things mixed, S. , a. the fifth day of the moon's increase or decrease, पंचनंग, a motley. पंचपीस, a twenty-five. , ad. twenty-five times (multiplied). , ad. twenty-five times (repeated). पंचपसाचं, a. the twenty-fifth. •