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पान:A Dictionary of the Mahratta Language.djvu/३४८

विकिस्रोत कडून
या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही

घपान, s, an incense-pot. ম, s. smoke. धुमधाम, ,s a tumult, a riot, & great parade, धूमपान, s. the smoking of tobacco, &c. घून, 3. smoke. धूर्त्त, acrafty, sly, subtle, सूर्भशt, s. craft, subtity, धूर्भस, . craft, subtilty. s. धूर्भपण, ३. craftiness, swindling, धूपण्, s. washings, the washing of any thing. धूसण, . to wear any thing constantly through folly or vanity, [ 358 ] 'धूसा, धूळा, धूळाक्षम, s. the writing written in dust by children when they first go to school. s. flannel, s. dust. धेनु भैय्यं धैय्यंजन, a. patient, steady. 7, s. a milch cow. s. temperance, forbearance, patience. 4 1