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पान:A Dictionary of the Mahratta Language.djvu/३४२

विकिस्रोत कडून
या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही

i [ 332 ] धमं. धनाधन, . a mountain. , s. the earth. व नापन, s. 8 deposit. E, s. religion, virtue, duty. , s. the badge of duty incumbent on or practised by any one. isa, a. of knowo virtue. T, a. eminent in the performance of duty. धर्मपनी पतंभ, , s. a proselyte. धर्मधर्शन. s. a preachér, one who instructs others in their duty. धर्म धयो यूँ रा a. regardless of duty, profane. , s. the extinction of religion, the discontinuance of any religious duty or customary act. m, s. a hospital, a church, any building erected for the duties of religion. 1 ma, s. the body of Hindoo duties civil and religious: any book which contains laws for the regulation of human conduct.