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पान:A Dictionary of the Mahratta Language.djvu/३२४

विकिस्रोत कडून
या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही

[ 314 ] चुःध. vs. a poetical foot of mauy syllables, an alexandrine. घोघंशा, s. length. घं. घनीभ्यास, . & sigh. , s. a protracted sound, a long syllable. सूत्र, a. procrastinating, negligent. छ धसूत्र, s. procrastination, the leugthening out of any affair. छोघरची, a. procrastinating, dilatory. s. emphasis, a syllable pronounced long. ,. the flame of a lamp. घुभळ, a. dear (not cheap) ; s. dearth. घुम्तव, s. a.shop. घुलब्धान, s. a shopkeeper. , s. the business of a shopkeeper. घुबो, s. a shopkeeper.

, s. trouble, affliction.

, v. to suffer. 7:5, a. troublesome, vexatious, afflicting..