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पान:A Dictionary of the Mahratta Language.djvu/३०९

विकिस्रोत कडून
या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही

धंगा छ क्षोणस्थ, a. situated in the south. उक्षीणा, s. a present made to a teacher on taking leave of that, or to a priest at a sacrifice.. Jaluma, a. facing the south. for, s. the sun's course south of the equator. कक्षोणाचनं . keeping any object on the right side. a. [ 295 J धक्षोणेभडीछु, a belonging to the south quarter. धक्षीणेमंडी कं, a. belonging to the south quarter. valu, ad. southwards, south. 597, s. an invasion, an entrance. छगड्, 8. a stone. , a. fervid, glowing. , s. anxiety, doubt, hesitation. DNY KAY, s. tale bearing, a story feigned to deceive any one. "धगा, s. treachery, , 8. a traitor. G, s. traitorousness, treachery.