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पान:A Dictionary of the Mahratta Language.djvu/३०६

विकिस्रोत कडून
या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही

[ 296 ] धामे MAN, s. the sense of feeling. aya, ad. thick, (applied to liquids, as curds, mad, &c.) ST, a. thick, (applied to liquids.) v. to stop, to stand still. , o. to be stopped, to be assuaged, to cease, to obstruct. TH, v. to subside, to be assuaged. T4, s. a palpitating, a palpitation. TITI, v. to quake, to be in a palpitation. पचना, 3. palpitation. घन्धनो, a. palpitating, quaking. , s. one with whom stolen goods are deposited, a receiver of stolen goods. 4, s. the bamboo framing for the roof of a house. घान, s. a piece of cloth. , s. a police officer. u, s. a garrison, a place where a magistrate is stationed.