या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही
1 i i u, s. a situation, a vestige, certainty. ठुमठुम्, s. a rapping noise. Burguur, v. to be discontented, to complain (as spoiled children do.) ठणठुणो, s. a teazing to obtain some thing. ठुसठुस, s. a breaking easily (like earthen ware which is ill [259] baked). , s. an enclosure of mats for the purpose of holding grain. , a. short, dwarf.
- s. a stumble.
A, s. a robber, a highwayman. 3, s. robbery, plunder. a. looking clear, appearing very plain. s. the dripping noise of water. s. the sting of a bee or scorpion. 3, s. a kettle-drum.