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पान:A Dictionary of the Mahratta Language.djvu/२६७

विकिस्रोत कडून
या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही

[ 257 ] ut, a. rebounding, a sounding. JUT, s, a falling with great noise or violence. , v. to rebound, to ring. TH, to stop; s. vanity of dress, &c. , ad. at slow intervals, by a slow motion. , a. not under controul, not performing the proper fune- tions. TH, s. a graceful mien, a graceful manner of standing. हना, a brazier. " 5, s. a mould in which any thing is east, or wrought in clay, &c. TYW, v. to be steadfast, to be steady. व u o. to bruise, to pound (as in a 'inortar). a. bruised, pounded. , a. bruised, pounded.

  • , a. real, true, genuine.

, v. to push.