या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही
DIJ. 7, s. the flat roof of a house. 3, s. an umbrella. छाशी,s a parasol. TA, s. a pupil, a disciple. Ty, s. a stamp, a die. STY, v. to stamp, to press, to print. TT, s. a carved block used in printing cottons, the impres sion made in printing. [ 230 ] छाया, . a shadom a. printing. s. a printer. ● TUTTI, a. constantly following any one like a shadow. q, v. to thatch, to cover over. qut, s. a camp. inter, fie ! shame ! , s. one who abusively accuses another. छोन्बो नषण, . abusiveness. D, s. inter. O shame! fie! A, a. to rebound, to bounce. ●