या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही
[ 184 ] J.J. TORT, s. a recess, private place. Jes, s. treacle. Jes, a. sweet. गुळपापडी, s, a sort of sweetmeat. JAN, v. to crouch, to approach by degrees in a circuitous manner for the purpose of gaining something. गुळंघा, s. a sort of sweet-meat made of mangoes and treacle. ਗਹ, , a. sweetish. , s. gargling the mouth. a. concealed, abstruse. I, s. abstruseness, secrecy. , s. a vulture. गुयस्थ, s. a house. गृयस्थी, J, s. a family, contention, a domestic quarrel. a. betraying a family secret, fomenting divisions in a family. s. a house-dweller. , a. having a large family. , s. a secular state, paleness.