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पान:A Dictionary of the Mahratta Language.djvu/१७७

विकिस्रोत कडून
या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही


[365] gl, s. smaller money in exchange for larger, change. , s. a hand-spud to cut up grass. €99), s. a small hand-spud. , a. on foot. , a. pleased, glad. , s. pleasure, joy. ,. pleasure. qu, v. to rattle in the throat with phlegm. छीषधीवी, s. a rattling in the throat. घीसपुर, , v. to hitch the body along while sitting. s. a controversy, a dispute. AUT, 8. to rattle , s. a rattle. U, s. a sign or mark. , s. a hoof. , s. a bird. ऐबनी, s. a particular posture. s. a frequently visiting a place of worship. ,, a constantly going to the same place.