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पान:A Dictionary of the Mahratta Language.djvu/१५७

विकिस्रोत कडून
या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही


[145] प्रेश- , s. the dark side of the month, or the fortnight of the moon's decrease. , pron. some. , ad. in how long a time? best, ad. bow long? ,. the name of a flower (pandamus odoratissimus). , s. a sign, the descending node, reckoned a planet by the Hindoos. ad. how far? , s. a garden-bed. ,. the sweepings of a room, refuse. , s. a brush, a broom. नेनाया, s. rent, hire. S. मेनायाछान, s. a renter. , s. the name of a tribe of Hindoos. 3, s. the name of a flower (pandamus odoratissimus), es, ad. only. s. the hair of the head. S