या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही
[123] Moit. i, s. hesitation, doubt, uncertainty. , . to gruut, to groan. u, v. to hawk up phlegm, &c. from the throat. , s. the side (of the body.) mi, s. a disease, consisting of inveterate boils. , s. the crying and stamping of a child in order to get something from its parent. , s. dried fruit. , s. a black substance with which the Hindoos paint their eye-lids, formerly supposed to be antimony, but now ascertained to be lead ore. , s. glass, chrystal. , a. raw, unripe, imperfect. , s. gold. , s. a woman's garment made like a waistcoat and tied behind. au, s. the chicken pox. sia, s. rice-gruel.