या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही
[ 112 ] , c. to clip, to shear. HOT. , s. a pair of scissars, the clipping of the hair or beard. ̈ s. the sweepings of a house, &c. Яi, ad. why? , s. a speaker. , a sentence, a word, a speech. , s. news, a particular account of any thing. STT, o. a word. , s. a different speech, a contradiction, a. spoken. प्रथेोपनयन, s. conversation.
, s. bad food. , s. the name of a tree (nauclea orientalis).
་,་་་་ a. rough, scabrous, vile, bad, indecent, disrespectful. Hi, s. roughness, vileness, indecency; disrespect. , s. a plantain. , a. disagreeably formed, of uncouth form or figure. a. wicked, vile.