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पान:A Dictionary of the Mahratta Language.djvu/११९

विकिस्रोत कडून
या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही


[ 107 ] 無 ,s. the root of arum esculentum. মबृ... , s. the dried root of amoen entheriza.. ➜, s. an office, a court, any place where the business of any department of government is transacted. , a, raw, unripe, imperfect. . the flap of that garment which the Hindoos wear instead of breeches, which passes between the legs and is tucked in behind. s. a black powder which the Hindoos rub round the eyes. It was formerly supposed to be antimony, but is now proved to be the ore of lead. , s. the name of a flowering tree (Bauhinia of..various species), Za s. a bodice, the calyx of a flower. HI, s. a standish, a stand made of wood to hold phials or any other articles, a cruet stand. Я, s. an army, troops. , S. dispute, contention.