प्रकरण दुसरें. infto the epic after the Vayu Purana was this must remain only a supposition. १७१ written, though Another long intrusion in the third book of the epic, this time in the तीर्थ stories (3 - 110 ff ), leads to a result somewhat more definite in respect of the relation between the particular story and the पद्मपुराण. According to the acute investigation of Dr. Luders, the epic account in its present form is based upon that of the Purana. Even the Garuda and Varaha Puranas may precede the final revision of the whole epic, though the evidence for references is far from conclusive; but on the other hand, our present Puranas may have been so changed as not to agree in any detail with puranas that once bore these na- mes...... The epic passages supposed to refer to Puranas are हरिवंश, 3-33-5 and भारत 1-31-3. The epic declaration 1-2-386 that it is the base of all Puranas, presupposeses a goodly number already in existence; but this statement is as late an addition to the poem as is the mention of the eigh- teen. I suppose that most scholars will accept "eighteen Pura- nas " as actually referring to eighteen, and I am inclined to do so myself. " सारांश, प्रो. हॉपकिन्स यांचेंही, आमच्याप्रमाणेंच असें मत आहे की, भारताच्या सद्यः स्वरूपकर्त्यासमोर अठराही पुराणांची मूळस्वरूपें ( म्ह. अठराही आदिपुराणें ) होतीं ! व भारताच्या सद्यःस्वरूपानंतर या पुरा- णांस सद्यःस्वरूपें प्राप्त झाली ! सारांश, कालानुक्रमानें पौराणिक वाङ्मय व भारत यांचा संबंध याप्रकारें दाखवितां येईल:- व्यासांपूर्वीचें एक पुराण. व्यासकृत अठरा पुराणसंहिता ( आदिपुराणें ). व्यासकृत महाभारत. महाभारताचें सद्यः स्वरूप. अठराही पुराणांचें सद्यः स्वरूप. पुराणांत मतप्रसाराचे काळीं मजकूर जोडणें.