'What we need to-day above everything else is a band of workers and spread of the gospel of unity and patriotism far and wide throughout the land. Our love of the motherland must grow so fervent and passionate that it will turn all sacrifice for India into a pure joy. What the situation requires is not new ideas, but sacrifice; not talk, but work-work early, work late- work when it is dawn and work when it is dark. No one knows what the future has in store for us, or how much fulfilment our own eyes may witness before they close. There is nothing in the world of ours which may not be achieved by men whose lives are inspired by patriotism, sustained by faith and ennobled by sacrifice. India expects that such men shall now come forward in sufficient numbers in her service.
19 May, 1906.
पान:ना. गोखले चरित्र.pdf/४
या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन करतांना काही समस्या उद्भवल्या आहेत
ना. गोखल्यांचा तरुणांस संदेश.