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पान:आंग्ल प्रभा.djvu/25

विकिस्रोत कडून
या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही

2: honoured with grants of villages, and were often stipplied with other necessary help for the preparation of medicines. The Hakims were in requisition for the army, and were valued chiefly as surgeons. There is only one mention made of a Gujarathi native doctor, who supplied medicines gratis at Nasik, and was rewarded with Jahagir, which was continued to his son, as he maintained the dispensary. There was another native Vaidya, for whom a sort of a botanical garden at Wai was provided for the cultivation of rare drugs, and he was supplied with other help for the preparation of medicines from them. These scanty notices are all that can be gathered from the Selections as regards the way in which this most important State function of charitable relief was discharged. The State was more liberal in the rewards it gave in the case of soldiers who lost their lives on the battle-field. Hundreds of such instances are mentioned in the Selections, where the heirs of the deceased were rewarded with Inams, or maintenance-allowances were made to the widows and children, and in some cases, the office held by the father was conferred on the son. In making these awards, no distinction was made between Brahmins and Marathas, or Hindus and Mahomedans. All those, who had received wounds or had died in the service of the State, Were generously treated without distinction. The same liberality was shown in the distribution of grants to religions. The bulk of the benefactions Were conReligous Charities, ferred upon Brahmins, as might be expected, but the old Mahomedan grants were continued to Dargas and Mosques, and many new grants were made to Mahomedans and even Christians, the last especially in the Konkan. There was a singular absence of any Crious prejudice in the distribution of this charity. These Dewasthan reli O llowances, granted by the State under the Maratha rule, and Warshasan a hich attest to til make up a very large total, exceeding many lacs, which attest to the rosity of the State in this respect. Under Raja Shahu, the function of the State of ganting honorific titles on deserving officials found considerable scope, and Ol the model of the Delhi Emperors, high-sounding titles Wero Honorific titles. freely bestowed on Hindu Generals and Commanders Peish was, this function was 111ՕTC) sparingly 驚 conferred took the form chiefly of allowing the officer e or having the permission to employ a Military pensions. gene Under the later and the honors dignity of riding in a Palkհi