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पान:आंग्ल प्रभा.djvu/15

विकिस्रोत कडून
या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले नाही

1演 exceeded a few lacs. The last Peishwa had apparently no debts to pay, but was able to collect a large private treasure of his own. The system of revenue management under Balaji Bajirao, Madhavrao, and Nana Fadinavis was, on the whole, careful. New Revenue management. SOC of revenue were developed, and the old improved. The land settlements made by the Peish was during this period show that, while anxious not to oppress the 'ayats, every care was taken to insist on the rights of the Government. Whellever the country needed that relief, leases varying from three to seven years were granted on the terms of Ista was i. e. gradually increasing assessments. The old 'Kamal figures (maximum amounts ever realized) of village and Pargana revenues were, of course, seldom collected and were never meant to be realized. These amounts were reduced by the Government, so as to suit the conditions of the population and ensure their general prosperity, in fixing the Tankha or realizable revenue, under the Mahomedan rule; and the Peish Was made large reductions in the Tankha figures, whenever owing to War or famine, enquiries showed that such reductions had become necessary. Wherever the Batai or system of crop division obtained, the Government, after ded cting for seeds and other necessary charges paid by the 'ayats, left 3 or of the crop to the cultivator, and took the rest for the State. In Shivaji's time, the proportions are stated to have been and . The Batai system was not much in favor, but grain and proportionate cash rents prevailed throughout the country. In the South Konkan, the normal assessment have been 10 malunds per bigha of rice land paid in kind. This appears to Ti Ti E. F. to 9 and even 8 maunds in certain Districts, on amount was reduced complaint being made that it was too exhorbitant. When cash payments were required, or Were convenient to the rayats, they Were fixed at the amount of 15, 20, or 30 Rs. per Khandy according to season. The Brahmins had to pay lighter rates of 5 maunds or there-abouts in Northern Konkan. In a settlement of the Neral Taluka, the cash rates per bigha, according to the quality of the soil; and s. per bigha. In the Nasik District, where 2 per bigha for good black soil, and Rs. I and 5 to 6 Rs. for Bagait lands were In the Khed Taluka, Poona District, the as 3 Rs. per bigha. In the less favoured were from 3 to 5 Ris. the sugar-cane rate was 5 R the cash rates prevailed, lRs. for middling soil of ) irait land, deemed to be reasonable rates. rate in the time of Bajirao II W R parts of the Satara District, the rites stated to have ranged from 1: maunds to 6 maunds per bigh:ો according to the quality of the soil. In Gujarath, the rates were much higher,