पान:रानडे इंग्रजी-मराठी शब्दकोश खंड पहिला (The Twentieth century English-Marathi Dictionary Volume 1).pdf/2054

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या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले आहे

Isolate (i'so-lāt, is'o.lāt ) [It. isolare -isola -L. insula, nu island. ] v. t. to place in a declutched situation (like an island ), lo place by itself or alone सुटा -वेगळा ठेवणें, सुटा करून ठेवणें, अलग करणें. 2 (chem.) पृथक करणें. I'solated pa. p. सुटा ठेवलेला, सुटा, अलग, तुटक, वेगळा, निराळा. २ पृथकत. Isola'-tion n. (the act) अलग करणें n. २ the state of being isolated वेगळेपणा, निराळेपणा m. Isolable a. पृथक्करणीय, पृथग्भावी, अलग करता येणारा. Isolator n. पृथक् करणारा. २ पृथक्करणद्रव्य n, पृथक्कारक n.
Isologous ( i.sol's-gus ) [ Gr. isos, equal, and logos, proportion. ] a. chem. having similar proporations, similar relations, or similar differences of composition समांतरश्रेणिक: as, "Ethane, cthyle and acetylene, or their analogous compound form an I. series."
Isomeric (i.so-mér'ik) [ Lit. hating equal parts -Gr isos, equal, and meros, a part.) a. (chem.) applied to compounds which are made up of the same elements in the same portions, but having different Properties समावयविक. Isom'etus a. समावयव. Isomerism n. समावयविकत्व n.

Isometric (I-so-met'rik) [Gr. isos, equal, and metron a measure. ] a. having equality of measure समपरिमाणाचा, समपरिमाणयुक्त, समपारमाण Section तुल्यप्रतिभा f, समपरिमाणित प्रतिभा f. ( Projection = प्रतिभा). Isometrical a.

Isomorphous (i-so-morf'us ) [ Gr. isos, equal and morphe, form.] a. having the same crystalline form but composed of different elements समाकृतिक. Isomor'phic n. Same us above. समाकृतिकत्व n.

Isopycnic ( i-so-pik'nik ) [ Gr. isos, equal, and pyknons, dense. ] a. phys. having equals density समघनत्वाचा, समघनत्वासंबंधी, समधन. I.,or I,. line n. phys. a line or surface passing through those points in a medium, at which the density is the same समघनत्वरेषा f.

Isoceles ( i-gos'e-lēz) [Lit. 'having equal logs' -Gr isos, equal, & skelos, a leg.] a. geom. having equal sides समद्विभुज, समद्विपार्श्व. An I. triangle समद्वीभुजत्रिकोण m.

Isotheral ( i-soth'er-al ) [ Lit. having equal summers -Gr. 280s, equal, & theros, summer. ] . having the same mean summer temperature समतापीय, समतापरेखीय. I. line समतापरेखा f.

Isothermal (i-so-ther'mal )[ Fr. isotherme -Gr. isos, equal, & therme, Sk. धर्म, heat.] a. having an equal degree of heat समोजिमक, समोष्मिक, समोष्णदर्शक, line समोष्णरेखा f, समोष्णदर्शकरेखा f.