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विकिस्रोत कडून
हे पान प्रमाणित केलेले आहे.

 able to do. I have not been able to remove even a little of the difficulties which are encountered by native visitors here. It is, my ambition to remove them all and to make them as comfortable as European visitors. But this is beyond the power of my limited means. I hope therefore, you will be kind enough to utilize my services in some way or other you may deem fit. I am a permanent resident of this place and hope you will be good enough to entrust me with the management of your own or your Chief's Bunglow or to ask me to do any kind of business that honest and hard-working agent, can do in a place like this. I shall be quite contented with such remuneration or commission charge as you will be pleased to give, since my primary purpose is to extend the business of my agency with a view to serve native visitors as much as I can. Negotiations, for the purchase of sites (of Bungalows, furnishing and adjusting them after the local fashion, purchasing and sending local curiosities, hiring houses and supplying all available things at a moderate price, may be made at all times. Because it is the business of this kind in which I am likely to be most useful, and it is in this direction I hope to be employed by you at no distant day.

I Hoping to be excused for the troubles,
I beg to remain, Sir,
Yours very truly,
