पान:रानडे इंग्रजी-मराठी शब्दकोश खंड पहिला (The Twentieth century English-Marathi Dictionary Volume 1).pdf/796

विकिस्रोत कडून
या पानाचे मुद्रितशोधन झालेले आहे

the religious exercise which completes and closes the service of the day.] n. संध्याकाळची प्रार्थना f. Complot (kom'plot) [Fr. complot, a plot.- L. complicitum. See Complicate. n. plot, a conspiracy कट m. कूट m. C. v. t. & v. i. कट m, कुट m करणे: मसलत f. करणे. Comply [ kom-pli') [ It. complire, to fill up, to suit, also to use compliments, ceremorious or kind offices and offers. L. complire, to fill up. The L. complire, meant to fill up, to make up what is wanting, satisfy, satisfy the requirements or forms of courtesy. In the sense development of comply in English, there has been a tendensy to association with ply, Fr. plier,-L. plicare, to bend, so as to make bending to the will of another.] v. t. ( followed by with ) मानणे, कबूल करणे, रुकार देणे, स्वीकारणे, अनुवर्तन करणे. Comply'ing pr. p. Complied' pa. t. & pa. p. Compl'ier n. मान्य-कबूल करणारा, स्वीकारणारा. २ वश होणारा. Comply'ing a. अनुवर्ती. Component (kom-po'nent) [ L. con, together & poncre, to place.] a. अंशभूत, अवयवभुत, अंगभूत घटक. C. n. a constituent part. अवयवभूत-अंशभू-अंगभूत पदार्थ m, अंश m, अंग n, अवयव m, घटक m. २ Compo'nency n. (R.) रचना f, घटना f. Componen'tal a. Comport (kom-port') [Fr. comporter, to admit of, to allow, to endure.-L. com, together & portare to carry.] v. i. ( sometimes followed by with) to, agreed, to accord. (शी) सुसंगतं असणे. शी-मिळणे, as, "How ill this dulness doth C. with greatness." C. v. t. ( with a reflexive pronoun) to conduct वर्तणे, वागणे; as, "Observe how Lord Somers comported himself." २ (obs.) सहन करणे. C. n. वर्तणूक f, वागणूक f, चाल f, आचार m. Comport'able a. यथायोग्य, व्यवहारयोग्य, अनुकूल, सुसंगत, उचित (obs.). Comport'ance n. वर्तणूक f, आचरण n. Comportment n. वर्तणूक f. Compose (kom-poz') [ Fr. composer, from com & poser, to place. L. com & ponére, to place. ] v. t. to put together, to make up एकत्र करणे, (चें) बनवणे, as, "Zeal ought to be composed of the highest degrees of all pious affections." २ to constitute अंगभूत होणे, बन (ना) वणे; as, A few useful things composed their intellcetual possessions." ३ to construct by mental labour रचणे, तयार करणे, जुळणे, कवन n. करणे, लिहिणे, ग्रथन करणे; To C. a sentence, a sermon. ४ to adjust, to regulate (तंटा) तोडणे, समेटणे, समेट-तोड करणे, समजूत करणे, गडबड-गलबा बंद करणे-मोडणे; as, " To C. a quarrel. ५ व्यवस्थेने ठेवणे; as, "In a