This little book attempts to summarise in Marathi the salient features of the very complex and highly developed science of Rhetoric or Sahitya-shastra in Sanskrit. Mr. Kulkarni has evidently taken great pains in collecting appropriate instances of the important Rasâs ( Emotions, diverse modes of expression, different style and diction, Figuers of speech &c. &c.)
The definitions so far as they go are accurate and the explanations though at times brief are clear. The author has no doubt succeeded in his endeavour and he must be congratulated upon his zeal and industry.
The book will prove useful and interesting to the general reader of the Marathi language and it can be used with advantage in the highest standard of the Marathi School. The lay reader after carefully going through the book, will, it is hoped, be put in a position to enter into the very morrow of his favourite authors : his attention will be arrested at every turn, by the difference of style and diction, shades of thoughts and beauties of language. In a word, he is sure to be little more keen and critical when reading : and will bring to bear a trained taste and a deeper insight upon the particular peace of writing, he happen to deal with.
The author amply deserves encouragement for the boon he is likely to confer in educating the